Ⅳ Description from Quantum Theory

Japanese original text

■According to modern theoretical physics, matter is both a wave and a particle. The two are connected by the following relationship: Matter wave, which is the ultimate form of matter,is not wave that depend on the motion of other matter, such as water waves or sound waves, but is the representation of temporal change in probability that is observed( perceived, recognized, measured) as a particle (a mass of energy) at each point in space. In that sense, matter waves are conceptual.

The probability that matter is observed as a particle is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the matter wave at each point in space and time. The energy possessed by the particles that can be found is equal to the minimum unit of energy called Planck's constant (6.63 x 10-27 ergs/second) multiplied by the frequency of the wave in one second. From this, we understand that matter does not definitely exist in a certain place at a certain time. Matter exists as a possibility that it will be recognized in a certain place with a certain probability (and as a possibility that it will not be recognized with a certain probability).

■However, people would argue as follows. Let's admit that we cannot recognize matter with 100% probability. But this is not caused by the nature of matter itself, this is caused by the limitations of the human ability to recognize matter. Matter itself is present definitely, but, for recognition of human ability is poor, we can’t be recognized only in the range of some error.

This expectation is broken by the Uncertainty Principle. From the Wave Function that determines the state of matter wave, when matter is found at a certain time and in a certain place with a probability of 100%, the matter wave becomes composite wave made by superimposing unit waves. The possible energy values of the particles found there are Planck's constant multiplied by the frequency of each unit wave, or in other words, all of an infinite number of different values. In other words, the energy value of a material particle is completely uncertain (infinite number of different values are possible).

■Conversely, a perfect unit wave whose frequency (energy value) is 100% certain will spread out as a spherical wave, with perfectly equal amplitude (and therefore perfectly equal probability) everywhere in the space it occupies. In other words, the position of the material particles is completely uncertain. Therefore, uncertainty is the essence of the nature of the existence of matter, and does not indicate a limit to the accuracy of recognition.

■In this way, material particle cannot have a definite position and energy (momentum) at the same time, so it is not possible to determine the inevitable locus of motion of the same object as in Newtonian mechanics. In other words, the fact that a certain probability value is found among the many different positions and momentums that material particle can take does not necessarily mean that something predetermined by the law of necessity has appeared (realization of potential).

■This is also clear from the statistical nature of the field of material particle (elementary particle field). Considering their statistical nature, elementary particle instantaneously come into existence and disappear in the process of temporal changes in each field (the physical state of each point in space). It is impossible to understand that an elementary particle existing in a certain field at a certain moment leaves that field at the next moment and moves to another adjacent field

■In other words, the same kind of elementary particles that exist in the adjacent field at the next moment cannot be the same elementary particle as the elementary particle that existed in the field before the previous moment. This is because if they are understood to be the same elementary particle, the statistical laws that elementary particle fields are supposed to follow will differ from the statistical laws of elementary particle fields that are constructed to match actual observations and measurements.

■However, just like in the case of chess, this may just be a chance manifestation of changes in physical quantities over time that unfold according to predetermined laws of necessity? Is this not the realization of possibility (creation of new possibility) through purposive selection based on the internal necessity of free will, as derived from “The Theory of Self-Transcendence?”

■Therefore, as long as the possibility is not realized (actual observation of one of the various physical quantities found with certain probability), the field state based on the wave function will be statistically changes according to the law of necessity.

However, once a possibility is realized (one of the various possible quantities defined by the wave function is measured as a definite quantity), at that moment, the wave function completely expires. And at that moment, a new wave function appears in its place that did not exist at all before, and from then on governs the possible states of matter.

■Out of various possibilities (=matter), we realize one possibility through observation and measurement and recognize it as a definite quantity. This activity of ours simultaneously destroys the state before the realization of these possibilities (=matter) and establishes new possibilities (new material conditions) that did not exist before. Our activities are creative, and this is “Self-Transcendence.”

■In the case of chess, once the rules are determined, potentially every possible chess sequence is determined. The actual match is nothing more than the act of selecting one of these potential procedures and manifesting it. Therefore, in the case of chess, you do not change anything that existed before, and you do not create anything that did not exist before. The human activity of recognizing objects is completely different from this.

■”The Theory of Self-Transcendence” is the idea as follows: We establish a new world by overcoming the world (=material universe), and we repeatedly establish a new world by overcoming the established world again. The Theory is completely consistent with the relationship between matter and observation and measurement that modern theoretical physics has clarified.

■First, matter wave, which reveals the fundamental form of matter, is a kind of conceptual existence that represents temporal changes in various possibilities of recognition.

■Next, the consciousness(=free will), which is the realization of a specific possibility among the various recognition possibilities, is not mediated by any material interaction, and therefore, changes the state of matter wave instantaneously and without time.

■The above facts directly contradict the conventional wisdom of physics, which makes a sharp distinction between the existence of matter and the perception of matter, and assumes that matter exists independently, apart from the perception of matter.

■Therefore, the above facts were considered strange and doubted even by Einstein, de Broglie, and Schrödinger, who were the founders of the material wave concept and wave mechanics.

■Their first question is that since matter waves directly interfere with each other in material space, they are indeed matter, and are not conceptual entities. Schrödinger’s famous cat paradox was an expression of that question.

■However, because we assume that “matter exists in only one definite state,” matter waves appear to be conceptual existences. Let's escape from the captivity of such common sense and interpret it as the facts show, “possibility itself is matter.” This is because matter waves, which are temporal changes in possibility, directly interact (interference) in the material world. Understood in this way, matter waves become a very real entity, and are no longer conceptual.

■Also, more than this, what they particularly doubted about its truth was the fact that changes in matter wave caused by observation and measurement occur instantaneously and without time. Common sense predicts that this change is caused by the interaction between matter wave and the equipment that observes and measures them.

■However, the change cannot occur instantaneously or timelessly. This is because, as the special theory of relativity teaches, interactions between matter cannot propagate faster than the speed of light, and must take place non-instantaneously over a certain amount of time.

■There is another disadvantage to common sense theory: According to the Schrödinger equation, changes in the wave function itself due to measurement occur exactly instantaneously and without time.

■Therefore, this change is not caused by the interaction of the matter wave with the measuring device. In order to explain the uncertainty principle, Heisenberg initially used a model in which electrons were illuminated with light and their positions measured and observed using an optical microscope. However, this is a lie. Such pseudo-explanations only served to obscure the revolutionary changes in quantum mechanics.

■At the same time, it is certain that this change occurs through observation and measurement. From the above, observations and measurements that change the matter waves are not effects of the measuring device on the matter waves. Observation and measurement must be understood to mean the action of consciousness, psychological action, and cognitive action of ``measuring'' using the measuring device.

■Von Neumann was the first to point out this point. His commentators London and Bauer explain: Therefore, in a measurement, it is not some mysterious interaction between the measuring device and the object that gives rise to a new Ψ (wave function) of the system. It is only the self-consciousness that departs from the old function Ψ, assigns a new wave function to the object, and creates a new objectivity through its observation.

■Schrödinger quipped after reading this : “The theory of ψ (psi) wave has become psychology.” De Broglie also expressed his feelings of repulsion as follows: “This ‘self’, distinct from the wave function, appears even more mysterious than any possible interaction between object and measuring device.”

■However, no matter how it appears subjectively, if it is objective fact that change in matter wave occur simultaneously with measurement, then there is no other way than Neumann’s interpretation.

■De Broglie worked hard to construct a theory that could explain the timeless contraction of matter waves not as an action of consciousness, but as an interaction between matter waves (elementary particles) and measuring devices. He argued as follows: Matter wave is accompanied by another matter wave (the entity of an elementary particle) that gives a large amplitude, and the phenomenon in which a matter particle is definitively recognized by measurement is interacts with this matter wave and the measuring device.

■However, that effort, along with similar efforts by Bohm et al., have provided a useful impetus for several other studies, but have not been successful to date.

■This fact itself proves the correctness of Neumann's interpretation. And,Neumann's interpretation can overcome de Broglie's criticism that it is mystical only by linking to “The Theory of Self-Transcendence.”

☞Structure of Reality: The Theory of Transcendence of Universe