Ⅲ Matter is Probabilities in the Future

Japanese original text

■Well, as mentioned above, the past (experience) corresponds to unconsciousness,and the present corresponds to consciousness. Then to what future corresponds ? There are all kinds of being(existence) that we recognize today are consciousness, unconsciousness and matter. So,it seems reasonable to suppose that future corresponds to “matter”!!

■But, many people hesitate to accepte the conclusion. They say, “matter does not exsist decisively, but can only exsist possibly! What a foolish thing! Look, for exemple, the manuscript paper and the desk exsist decisively!”

■But think about it carefully. As stated above, the manuscript paper and desk that are in front of our eyes certainly exist in the sense that they are currently perceived in our consciousness. That is, existence (recognition) of manuscript paper and desk is the whole of the following flow: In the present consciousness, past experiences are awakened from the depths of the unconsciousness, they are associated with various possibilities for dealing with manuscript paper and desk, and we choice one action from among the various possibilities.

■In other words, consciousness and unconsciousness are essential elements that make up manuscript paper and desk, manuscript paper and desk does not reside only as pure matter. However, at the same time, the existence of the manuscript paper and desk itself as pure matter must be sought from inherent time other than the past or present. If so, there is no other place than the future.

■Matter is the possibilities of the future. This is a surprising truth from the conventional view of matter. However, the modern physics view of matter provides extremely clear proof of this truth.

☞Structure of Reality: The Theory of Transcendence of Universe