■Whole existence is configured by the whole of various being which are
connected. So, theoretically, we are able to explain the structure of whole
existence from any directions. So to speak, we can climb Mt. Fuji from
the east side, west side, south side and north side.
■By the way, from the words “Existence” or “Reality”, what comes to mind
in common sense is the classification of existence as matter, consciousness,
and unconsciousness, or (consciousness and unconsciousness collectively)
spirit and matter.
■For this reason, since ancient times, many philosophies have sought the
beginnings of theoretical development in questions such as what is matter
and what is consciousness.
■However there are strong stereotypes which we have been formed from infant
that matter, consciousness and unconsciousness are entirely different things,
so they are confrontational, contradictory to each other. For example,
we think that matter and consciousness is a confrontational, because matter
is an object of consciousness. And consciousness and unconsciousness are
confrontational, because unconsciousness is the absence of consciousness.
■Therefore, if we start from considering matter, consciousness, and unconsciousness,
we will not be able to understand the unified structure of all existence,
which is a connected unity. As a result, we tend to fall into the dualism
of matter and consciousness, things and mind, and existence and nothingness,
or materialism or idealism, which are monisms that discard one of these
aspects. Therefore, we begin by considering “Inherent Time.”
☞Structure of Reality: The Theory of Transcendence of Universe